I've been following your work on Trump contagion, but missed the interview where you talk about Family Court. I've watched a lot of Anthony Davis interviews with you, but not that one. Anyway, I have been noticing a pattern of victims of DV getting pathologized and blamed for what happens to them and losing custody to their perpetrator, but I just thought is was mostly misogyny, not widespread corruption. It may actually be both, but that is even more unsettling. DV victims get labeled BPD, when they really have PTSD, and in my experience with DBT, even BPD parents in treatment are good parents. The only ones ever evaluated professionally, and that happens a lot, are the victims, never the abusers. My clients' lawyers advocate not talking about the DV at all to avoid being punished by the courts and accused of parental alienation, which is actually a very different thing than just speaking up about real, often documented, trauma. We know how important telling the story of the trauma is for recovery. This pattern allows DV abusers to actually alienate the other parent, and continue their patterns of coercive control. It's a nightmare even when it falls short of sex trafficking. I've seen this happen, and I do think money changes hands at times. Thanks for speaking up on this issue. You are a very brave person.
I've been following your work on Trump contagion, but missed the interview where you talk about Family Court. I've watched a lot of Anthony Davis interviews with you, but not that one. Anyway, I have been noticing a pattern of victims of DV getting pathologized and blamed for what happens to them and losing custody to their perpetrator, but I just thought is was mostly misogyny, not widespread corruption. It may actually be both, but that is even more unsettling. DV victims get labeled BPD, when they really have PTSD, and in my experience with DBT, even BPD parents in treatment are good parents. The only ones ever evaluated professionally, and that happens a lot, are the victims, never the abusers. My clients' lawyers advocate not talking about the DV at all to avoid being punished by the courts and accused of parental alienation, which is actually a very different thing than just speaking up about real, often documented, trauma. We know how important telling the story of the trauma is for recovery. This pattern allows DV abusers to actually alienate the other parent, and continue their patterns of coercive control. It's a nightmare even when it falls short of sex trafficking. I've seen this happen, and I do think money changes hands at times. Thanks for speaking up on this issue. You are a very brave person.